Sunday 17 April 2011

Old Blues Dinner

Most years myself and my friends from school try to get to the annual Old Blues reunion dinner at Reading Blue Coat School. My main group of friends is still basically my friends from my school days with a few other wonderful special people managing to break down my barriers over the years. This year there was about 15 of us there in a total of about 90 ex pupils or so. The main challenge for me this year was not to go on into Reading afterwards to the pubs and clubs, which in my humble opion are pretty dire these days and on the rare occasions I do venture into town I always wake up regretting it the next day wondering whuy oh why do I still do it??? Well the good news is that this year I managed to avoid going into town! I had a wonderful evening sticking to beer and got a nice buzz without going mental and so avoided the dreaded hangover too. So today's picture is a self portrait taken in my back garden before going to the dinner and the shirt and tie combo was a new direction for me away from the usual white shirt.

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